She calls herself JordanFuckDoll and spends a fair amount of time getting covered in cum. Jordan has zero inhibitions. Jordan wanted the biggest tits she could get. "I love when men look at my pictures and videos and tell me how they played with their cocks and shot their loads while looking at me. I love thinking about all that cum, and it's all because of me!"

Joana spends two hours a day practicing Hatha Yoga and meditates during those two hours. If she's pressed for time, she'll just do her meditation. Joana says her practices keep her grounded and happy. "I have a positive personality because of my meditation and my Yoga," Joana said. "I was 16 years old when I started. I think everyone should practice these ancient ways." Joana's message to everyone is "The […]

Blond hair, blue eyes, big tits and dick-sucking lips... there's nothing not to like about Holly, a 41-year-old newcomer from Key West, Florida (born in Pennsylvania). Yes, that's right. Holly is a stripper. She calls it the "most fun job I've ever had." But what's more important is that she also said, "I like to fuck whenever the opportunity presents itself." And, wouldn't you know it, the opportunity presented itself […]