All done up in a frilly bra and panties, stockings and a full bustle, Jaclyn reminds us of a certain French queen, Marie Antoinette – but rather than eat cake, Miss Swedberg invites you to feast your eyes upon her stunning figure. “This was a really fun set,” says Jaclyn. “We shot in the dining room with lots of delicious pastries – and lingerie, of course! I got to eat the pastries after the shoot.” As delicacies go, Jaclyn is one of our favorites – her peanut-butter-and-chocolate brownies are famous around the Playboy offices, but it’s her sweet personality and succulent body that keeps us coming back for more. As noted in her Data Sheet, Jaclyn loves to treat a man, but she issues a friendly warning: You’d better treat her nicely, or no sweets for you. “Be sure you have good manners,” she says. “If you don’t, the reward program stops!”