
First Class Stocking & Pantyhose Galleries

  • Hotwife Eve Miller in sexy Pink Dress and Lingerie

  • Glamour Babe Eve Miller Stockings over Pantyhose

  • Wet Pool Dreams with Horny Swinger Lady Eve Miller

Gina & Eve do have both a huge passion for stockings, lingerie, high heels and elegant clothes. So sometimes they find out, that they bought the same dresses. When Eve told Gina that she bought a white neckholder dress, Marylin style, Gina said, well I think I have the same. Next time they met, the both were wearing those dresses  

Queen of Heels Gina at tropical Garden in Secrets in Lace Stockings and classic Pumps.

Gina and Eve have plan ned to go out together and we are both dressed up with black cocktail dresses, black seamed fully fashioned stockings and black patent leather pumps. Before we leave, we are having a cigar together and we are both looking forward to have a wonderful evening together in our favoured cocktail bar and in the best Italian Restaurant in town. Maybe we meet there?

Gina and Eve met each other at Eve's home late at the afternoon to have a drink and a chat before they leave to have dinner together. As it is still hot and sunny, Eve didn't even wear her fancy blouse she wanted to wear this evening. The two enjoyed being together and planning the fancy night.  

Gina and Eve are at the office but as you will see, they don't feel like working. Eve is wearing a nice and shiny tan coloured pair of tights and Gina wears a nice pair of pantyhoses in a more light colour. See the two office ladies making themselves a bit more comfortable and giving you some very nice views on their pantyhoses legs and under the skirt

Señorita Queen of Heels Gina in sexy Design Pantyhose

Gina will invite you in her wardrobe. No wonder that having so many high heels poor Gina every day doesn't know which pair she should be wearing. Here you can watch her trying on differnet pair of high heels and choosing finally the pair of high heels which is matching most her lovely outfit, the grey and black

Gina invited Eve to see her high heels collection. Of course you can imagine, that the two had to try on one pair after the other. Eve loves pumps but she a pair of mules or sandales do look also nice with that business outfit and she also liked the open toe pumps a lot. Gina is wearing a pair of seamed tan tights

Watch Gina relaxing at the sofa after she came home from a long working day. As Gina is a perfectionist, she is wearing the matching shoes to the business suit and lovely black pair of pantyhoses. Gina will give you some nice views on her wunderful built legs and her feets with the sling back pumps!

Who wouldn't dream to have Gina in his office! That sexy blouse, the tight pinstriped skirt and those killer patent leather high heels, but it comes even better she is wearing additionally a pair of sheer tan pantyhoses....... mhhh! But probably nobody wouldn't be able to work anymore, therefore .

  • » Nylon Erotic «

  • » Pantyhose Lady «

  • » Nylon Model Eve Miller «

  • » Alina Heels «