Joana Bliss, boss of all big boobs, commands your presence in her office. This meeting requires no communication on your part. Joana will do the talking without talking. Her body language transcends all verbal interaction. You'll get her message loud and clear. When the meeting is over, you won't feel like getting back to work. Her effect lingers in the two heads, the big head and the little head. Joana spends two hours a day practicing Hatha Yoga and meditates during those two hours. If she's pressed for time, she'll just do her meditation. Joana says her practices keep her grounded and happy. "I have a positive personality because of my meditation and my Yoga," Joana said. "I was 16 years old when I started. I think everyone should practice these ancient ways." Joana's message to everyone is "The bigger the breasts, the more love you have to give." Joana has a lot of love to give. She's the chestiest flower child we know.
Alias: Joana Bliss, Joanna Bliss