Charis Boyle is our kind of woman. And it's not only because she has looks that would make a rose sigh. Nor is it because she's as successful as she is beautiful (she's a partner in three nightclubs, with a fourth on the way). No, she's our kind of woman because of her motto-"I love doing or trying anything at least twice!" Couple that motto with a story she told us, and you get an Idea of lust how much fun our Cyber Girl can be. When we asked her to regale us with a story of the last thing she did that was a lot of fun, she flashed a wicked smile and told us about the time she had sex with her partner in a 500 SL Mercedes convertible at 60 mph, from the time they left the bar "until we arrived home—about a 45-minute drive." As far as other exploits, Charis enjoys modeling for Playboy because it's "fun, free and sexy." And what interest would she pursue if she had more time? Polo. "Riding the horse is easy," said the former champion horseback rider. "It's that damn mallet that's the tough part." Given a chance or two, we're sure Charis has the talent to master a mallet.