
First Class Stocking & Pantyhose Galleries

  • Get a golden shower from Eve in her sexy slutty outfit with the tight pvc skirt, the sheer top and the yellow seamed stockings. Eve will be opening her pussy lips wide and then she will spend you from her warm yellow champagne.

  • Classic Ladies with black garter belts and black stockings. Diana and Eve are showing their legs, playing with each other and for sure teasing you that you would wish you would be sitting between those two wonderful nylon ladies.  

  • The Wolford Fatal Neon is for sure the best pantyhose which was ever on the market. Eve does adore it and here you will see her in the garden, wearing one of the last Wolford Fatal Neon in marmor combinated with a tight short skirt and a cold pink satin blouse.

We never know how or when we'll find a new girl; but in the case of Carol Ann here, the way we found her is something totally new and something we will never forget! Full details later; but what we can tell you now is that Carol has never modeled before (nude or otherwise), is not considering being a model, and approached us to do what she calls 'naughty pictures' […]

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