The name Charis means ‘kindness’, but that’s a bit too tame for the fun-loving Charis Boyle, our Miss February 2003. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Charis is a native of Virginia, and she was vice president of Primacy Companies, managing nightclubs all over the East Coast, when she became a Playmate. “I’ll try anything twice,” she says. “I’m not one to plan ahead. I take opportunities as they come!” Posing for Playboy was one such opportunity, and another that Charis took effortlessly in stride. Would you expect anything less of a trained equestrian with skills in business management, metalsmithing and glassblowing? “I’m driven and competitive,” she says. “I like to do things that get me noticed!” After her appearance in the Centerfold, Charis made the move to Los Angeles, California, where she continues to model, and hosts Playboy Radio’s The Panic Switch. “My goals are always changing,” she says, bright and confident. “I try to stay focused on the simple things that are important in life.” Charis is anything but simple, but she’s definitely important in our lives.